
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Configuring XDMCP on RHEL 6



Step 1 : Disable the selinux. (#vim  /etc/selinux/config)

Step 2 : Turn of the ip tables. (#iptables –F   #service iptables save)

Step3 : Edit the following configuration file

            #vim /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config

            # *                                 #any host can get a login 
window(uncomment this line)

Step4 :#vim   /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config

  #!DisplayManager.requestport:          0 (comment this line )

Step 5: #vim  /etc/gdm/custom.conf (edit the followingconfiguration file)









Step6 : Restart the service. (#init 6)

Configuring XDMCP on RHEL 5

Configuring xdmcp on rhel5

Step1) flush the iptables .

Step2) disable the selinux (vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux disabled)

Step3) run the command gdmsetup. Then it shows the following options.

1) local  :---

     Select the following options

                                 Style    : Themed

                                Theme  : selected only

     Select  the following options in menu bar

                                  1) show  actions menu

                                  2) include configure menu item

                                  3) include hostname chooser(XDMCP) menu item.

     Select the following option in welcome message

                                  1) select  Default “welcome”                                   

 2) remote  :---

    Select the following options

                                     Style  :  plain

    Select the following option in welcome message

                                  1) select  Default : welcome %n

 3) accessibility :---

     Select  the following option

                                  1) Enable access login.

     Select the following option in themes

                                  1) Enable users to change the fonts and colors of plain greeter.

     Select the following option in sounds

1)     select the login screen ready  in sounds

4) security :----

     Select the following options in security

                                 1) Allow local  system administration login

                                 2) Allow remote system administration login

                                 3) Enable debug messages to system log

5) users :----

      Select the following option   

                                1) Select the include  all  users  from /etc/passwd (not for nis)

                                2) Then close it .

step4) run the command  gdm-restart.

Step5) Then it goes to the log in mode.